Sébastien Dijkman
Sébastien était un être d’amour et de lumière adoré de tous ceux qui l’entouraient.
Il laisse dans le deuil ses parents Isabelle et Nicholas (Hilary), son frère Simon, sa sœur Ruby, ses grands-parents Hélène, Annie, et Gaston, sa tante et marraine chérie Marianne (Marc-André), ses oncles Gregory (Bénédicte), Nicolas (Karine), et Paul, ses cousines Gardénia (Justin), Flavie, et Élizabeth, de même que ses cousins Shayne, Olivier, Zachary, Jake et Victor.
Il manquera aussi à la famille d’Éric, Alice (Sébastien), Carole, Brigitte, Isabelle et Alexis, de même qu’à ses nombreux amis et collègues de travail.
Une célébration de fin de vie aura lieu à une date ultérieure.
On July 31, 2024, Mr. Sébastien Dijkman, spouse of the late Éric Boily, has passed away at the age of 30.
Sébastien was a being of love and light, beloved by all those around him.
He is survived by his parents Isabelle and Nicholas (Hilary), his brother Simon, his sister Ruby, his grandparents Hélène, Annie, and Gaston, his adored aunt and godmother Marianne (Marc-André), his uncles Gregory (Bénédicte), Nicolas (Karine), and Paul, his cousins Gardénia (Justin), Flavie and Élizabeth, as well as his cousins Shayne, Olivier, Zachary, Jake and Victor.
He will also be missed by Éric’s family, Alice (Sébastien), Carole, Brigitte, Isabelle and Alexis, as well as his many friends and work colleagues.
An end-of-life celebration will be held at a later date.